Morning (first group) : 8:30 am
Evening (second group) : 1:30 pm
Friday (second group) : 2: 30 pm
Guidelines for Students:
1. Students must report at their exam centers before half an hour of paper starting time for example first group students should appear at 8:00 am Otherwise you are not permissible to take your exam.
2. Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones or some extra material (other than exam required material ).
3. Non-Muslim students will take Ikhlakiyat exam instead of Islamic studies.
4. No student is allowed to enter the examination hall without wearing mask.
5. Bring your roll no slip on every day you arrive for taking exam.
6. Any undisciplinary activity might have a serious effect on your exam.
Note : This is tentative date sheet announced by PBCC for all Punjab Boards. The actual schedule of exams will be printed on your roll no slip when it will be announced.
Download Link:
Visiti their official site to download and view date sheet for 10th and 12th class. students.
10th class Schedule :
10th class exams are going to start on 14 July 2021 and last paper will be held on 05 August 2021.